Madison County Government Accountability Project

Junkyard Coming to Lapel

What is going on in Lapel…?

Landon Paddock, can you address a few questions?

1. Are you the VP of ARCO, a company that builds plants for LKQ?

2. Do any of your family members currently, or in the last five years, hold positions in Lapel or Madison County government? If so, what are those positions and when did they serve?

3. In some posts you state the project site is not above the aquifer. In others, you state it is above the aquifer, because most of Indiana sits on an aquifer. Does the project site sit above the aquifer?

4. Can you explain the difference between sitting above the aquifer and being within the 5-10 year EPA well head projection area?

5. In many posts you state this project is not a salvage yard because it’s indoors. Does the Lapel ordinance differentiate between indoor and outdoor dismantling from being included in a salvage and/or junkyard definition?

6. Does LKQ currently have a special use petition before the BZA to operate a salvage and/or junk operation on the site? If so, why would LKQ need that special use if they’re not a junk or salvage operation?

7. LKQ’s petition refers to the operation as an automotive recycling operation that dismantles automobiles. What use classification in the Lapel ordinance does this use fit within if its not junkyard or salvage operations?

Kristi S. Worthman’s recent Facebook post is below.







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